Saturday, January 26, 2013

Tributes, Teamviewer and tard

First off - Deep Thought is just about done!! Super excited :)

I actually only need one more thing which is cheap as hell: Rosewill 300Mbps 802.11 b/g/n Wireless Adapter (RNX-N250PCe). It will allow Me to get on the internet via the computer, so I expect it to be bought by the end of today. If not, then all of My slaves are a bunch of collective failures. Go check out My Deep Thought wishlist:

Obviously there are more things I want to make it even MORE of a super computer. Like, I want two more harddrives in addition to the solid state, a second graphics card and a few other things. I'm going to keep pimping it out. My computer can kick your computers ass! Haha.

Today lightning speed internet is getting installed. I called around all the different companies until I could find the absolute fastest internet possible. Sick of lag, programs crashing, etc. Gettin' that shit fixed. So - next after the computer, I'm going to be pimping out My studio. More on that to come.

My slave denied has definitely had a lot of fun building the computer. Let's see.... I did a quick calculation adding up all the items he's purchased from the computer list, and it comes to $1,932.31 (not including tax). Hehehe, very good. And he managed to send oodles of cash last month, and some this month as well. And write a new blog post (and some clip reviews) on his blog, here:

And sissy kelly. Well. There's that. Lol. It came up with 50 reason why it is a loser (all by itself). And it went shopping for Me. Bought a few things for the computer, a few this and thats... and a freaking adorable skirt I'm really excited to wear. Go laugh at how pathetic this creep is by reading its blog here:

If you follow Me on Twitter, you may have caught some of My exciting tribute tweets. Yeah,  I made BANK the other day draining losers on niteflirt. Hahahahaha. That was fun as hell. I'll let this screen shot speak for Me for a moment.

The majority of that was all from the same desperate creep, who after apparently hitting his bank limit deleted its niteflirt account. Ha. Buyers remorse? Too bad, I don't do refunds. Haha, he kept sending Me emails begging Me to completely ruin him - and I kept responding in pay-to-view mails. First I was only charging him like $10-$20 per PTV, but then since he kept begging so hard I figured I'd increase that to $100, $200, and then $400. All of which he paid, until he said that he only had $77 left, and asked if I would please take it. And then I did, haha. 

Earlier that day I was actually awoken by a strange kid. A 23 year old straight edge hardcore kid who is a sub, kind of. It wanted teamviewer. It wanted level 9. Hahahaha. So, after it had called My Niteflirt line a few times and paid per minute to ask Me dumb questions that are available all over My website, I told him to send the $100 session fee.

If you look in the search bar, you may notice there are strange symbols instead of!?! Lol, that's because I changed the keyboard settings, among many other things. 

I took control of admin account, changed passwords, adjusted time restrictions, decided he was only allowed to go on My websites (and only during certain hours). I decided his bedtime was 9 PM, and hmm... lots of other things. Dumb kid even got some cam in. I lol'd so fucking hard when I saw it had "blood in my veins" tattood on its chest. 

It was funny, when it first called My ignore line (and I was nice enough to talk back to it), somehow we got on the subject of punk rock. It said it liked black flag, I said I did too and had hung out with members of black flag. It said it liked hardcore and I immediately pinned it for a hardcore straight edge dumb fuck - right on the nail. I think he actually fell in love with Me when he saw Me put on My Descendents record. 

Get this - the creepy kid liked small penis humiliation, right? So, naturally I decided to start humiliating him. Dumb kid stops and says, "wait but, okay... so like., it's not that small. i mean it's not like giganto cock or anything, but it's a pretty good size, i don't know why i like being humiliated for having a small penis when i don't."

I googled "giganto" and pulled this up:

So your cock is nothing like this guy?

Then the kid, all embarrassed like it's in high school talking to the girl he likes for the first time says, "so like, do you find me attractive?"

I laughed, and then paused. I decided to first build him up a little bit. It seemed that he had begun to fantasize about the two of us sitting on the living room floor, playing Descendents and Black Flag albums all night and laughing while staring into each others eyes all lovey-dovey and giving cheesy compliments to each other cited from 80's high school teen movies. 

Then I crushed those dreams, and left him to wander the empty void of his boring, empty computer (without even the ability to play solitaire). It was around this time I started draining the aforementioned niteflirt loser, so I ignored him. Every 5-10 minutes he'd call My ignore line and sit there trying to get Me to talk to him. Haha. Sad. I'm sure it will come back, crying, missing Me. Wanting more. They always do.

So, if you've been following Me for more than a year or two, you may have heard of the slave tard who served Me way back and was My first teamviewer/chastity slave.

Lol, well tard is back. And obsessed. Apparently I was the last domme he served and My picture is still his background on his desktop.

There's one story that comes to mind when I think of tard, and I've been wanting to write about it for a while but keep forgetting.

One night, tard was in Las Vegas. On a business trip. In a room with his co-worker. I was talking to him on the phone. Actually he was on speaker with Me, My boyfriend at the time, and Mistress Molly. We all liked to fuck with tard together regularly. tard was easy to fuck with.

"tard, I want a money pack - now," I said.

"oh Princess," says the lowly tard, "I don't know where to get one. I'm in the middle of Las Vegas off the strip."
"Yeah, and there's a bunch of places to get a money pack - google it," I said. But then before it had the chance I opened up a browser on it's computer via teamviewer and googled it for him. Tard was slow, and sometimes just doing shit for him was the quickest way to get what I wanted.

We found some store that was open and had them. 

"Okay, but I'll have to take a cab. I'll also have to call you back as I'm on the 27th floor and I don't get cell phone reception in the elevator," tard said.

"No," I replied, "you're going to stay on the phone and take the stairs."
"The stairs?!" Tard exclaimed, shocked, "but Princess, it's 27 floors and I'm not in good shape!"
"Well then we'll get your ass into shape - take the stairs, and run down them. If you fall at least you'll fall in the right direction."

So fumbly bumbly tard made its way towards the treacherous staircase. 

At one point tard says into the phone, "Princess, I don't know where I am."
(A bit of backstory about the name I'm about to use - tard had a history of serving a domme and then going into hiding. I think it was My ex who at one point when talking about this deemed him 'tardsama,' or 'tardsama bin laden who goes deep into hiding.')

"Oh?" I asked, "you don't know where you are?"

"No, no idea, Princess."
"Yell at the top of your lungs 'my name is tardsama bin laden and I don't know where I am."
"Um, what?" he asked.
"Just do it."

At first he just sort of said the words lightly into the phone. That wasn't good enough so I told him to do it louder. Each time, I told him louder. Louder. Louder!


"MY NAME IS TARDSAMA BIN LADEN AND I DON'T KNOW WHERE I AM," at the top of his shrill tardy creepy lungs.

Then a frantic whisper: "Princess, I hear someone. I think they're coming for me. Oh fuck!"

We heard frantic tumbling, and the slamming of doors, some random echoes, and then, "okay, I'm in the lobby."

Tard had made it safely onto the ground floor.

Next, tard had to navigate the confusion of the taxi line. 

"Wait," I said, "get on your knees and beg to give Me money."

"But Princess, people are all around Me," he said. 
I could hear them. I could hear people bustling about.
"Get on your knees and beg."
"Okay," he said, "Please Princess, please please please allow me to go get you money. Please!"
"Beg harder."
"PLEASE, i want nothing more than to give you money, PLEASE! PLEASE PRINCESS, PLEASE!"
I laughed.
"People are giving me funny looks, Princess," he said. 
"Okay," I replied, "you can get in a taxi - but first you must say, 'please magical fairy man, i am tardsama - take me to the great store where i can get money to give to my amazing princess."
"Repeat it back to me."

It took tard a couple of tries to get it right, but he did. I heard him say it to the taxi driver. 

Tard made it safely to and from the store. I think he picked up $400 on a money pack. 

The funny thing, was that on his way back he remembered that he had left his computer on, and his co-worker could probably see all the perverted shit on it. And the fact that he was a slave under teamviewer control. Dumbass.


denied said...

i love reading about Your adventures with Your subs, Goddess. :)

And with the power of Deep Thought, You'll kick our asses even harder.

tcl said...

Wow! The good, old tard is back... lol

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