Wednesday, February 13, 2013

I’ve been one busy Princess lately! I started school on Monday, so if you’ve been missing Me, it’s because most of My time has been put into studies. It’s funny. Almost every sub asks if I am a psychology major. Actually, I’m getting My Bachelors Degree in Advertising. Hehe. Take whatever assumptions you want from that.
I’m having a lot of fun learning. I love expanding My mind, and even when I was out of school was always constantly reading, writing, and learning. Also, you probably know that I don’t just like to do things well - I always want to be the best at anything I put My mind to. So naturally, I strive to turn My assignments in early and be at the top of My class.

One more thing: I have had many offers for a homework slave. I don’t want them. I can do My own homework a million times better than a dumb fuck like you can. So don’t ask. The only time I’ll use My subs to assist in My school work is to go pull up interesting articles that might help Me, and things of that nature. I actually want to know the stuff I’m learning about, and not just slack off. Knowledge is power, and I’m sure you’re well aware I’m chock full of that :) hahaha!

Aside from that, I’ve been having a blast playing around on Deep Thought. Damn, these graphics are freaking *epic*. Now there are only two things that I need for it so it will be in perfect condition.

The first, and most important, is this harddrive. I’d like to get two of them just to be extra awesome, but I need at least one ASAP. The thing is, I’ve got the solid state installed which only has 110 gigs. I’ve got My external 2TB plugged in, but it’s annoying to have to save everything to it, and run all My programs from My external. So, naturally I want a nice big harddrive installed so I never have to worry about running out of space. Also for some reason, programs are a little bit slower when they run from My external. As a result I have 2.21GB free of 110. Not fun, so go fix it.

And then I also want this Liquid cooling unit for obvious reasons. So get that too!

So aside from those things, Deep Thought is pretty much done. And damn this thing is a freaking beast. I’m going to be taking a picture of everything used to build it soon (the boxes are taller than I am, lol.. hell, the tower box is almost taller than I am!).

Also, Valentines Day is coming up! Hehe. I’m not *exactly* sure what Me and My Man are doing, but I think it will involve staying in some sweet hotel room somewhere awesome. I know he’s planning something amazing, but wants it to be a surprise.

I was having some issues with Kinkbomb losing some of My videos - that should be totally fixed. And actually, I was able to recover videos that had gone missing from WAY back! So there’s even more clips available for you to buy and drool over.

Oh, and I am super excited because I’m getting the iPhone5 delivered hopefully tomorrow :D hehehehe. So that’s a few things I can cancel off of My initial new years list (car, phone, computer). I win.

I’ve also been having fun getting back into playing the guitar. Some of you may already know I’m primarily a drummer, but I enjoy dabbling in other instruments as well.

Anyway, keep slaving away for My benefit, happiness, and luxury. Hehe. Until next time.

1 comment:

denied said...

It's good to hear that You don't want homework slaves, Goddess. i feel a bit sorry for Dommes who do. Knowledge is definitely power - and the more power You have, the harder it will be for subs to resist You. Not that it isn't already hard enough. :)

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