Saturday, December 29, 2018

Teamviewer Domination

I am re-posting articles that I had written for the site Domme Dose. Most of the articles aren't online anymore, so I decided to go ahead and put them up here.

Many subs often ask Me about teamviewer. It is something that I offer, but there are a lot of misconceptions about what it is, is not, and what the benefits are in relation to online domination.

First, let's take a look at what teamviewer is. Teamviewer is a program that allows you to connect to another computer and be able to control that computer as if you were sitting right in front of it. In essence, when I'm connected to a computer via teamviewer it's almost like I'm sitting in front of that computer, doing and controlling whatever I want. It is free to use and download for personal use. (

So, why is this a beneficial tool for online domination? Firstly, it is very useful when you have a fully owned slave. I can log on, check their chat logs, email, make sure they haven't been downloading anything against My will, looking at webpages of other Dommes, etc. I can hop on anytime I want when the computer is fully owned by Me. This means that if the computer is on and running, I can have access to it at any time. I can easily transfer files to and from the computer, go in and give the slave assignments anytime I want, and personalize it however I see fit. 

Nextly, this is online domination - what better way to dominate someone online than through their computer? Teamviewer has a built-in chat, webcam and voice function as well. I can adjust the speakers and make My voice boom as loud as I want while forcing the slave to watch what I do without being able to move their mouse or put any input in (this is a setting that I can enable or disable at will). If I want to really scare a slave, I can blackscreen them. This is when the computer screen goes completely black on their end, while I can still see the desktop and do whatever I please while the slave has no idea what is going on.

It can be used in a large variety of ways, but is certainly not for everyone. It is always important, before you're doing a teamviewer session to first make sure that the Domme is someone that can be trusted. Get to know that Domme before you allow them on your computer. Learn as much as you can about teamviewer before doing a session, because there are many things that can be done that you may not know about. Set your limits ahead of time and be firm about it. If you don't want things posted to your facebook - close it out first!!! Don't be stupid. I can easily lock out your admin account, and make you your own account. I need the password to do this. Do you want all your files to be easily accessed? Are there things you don't want the Domme to find? Like pictures of your children/family. I don't want to see pictures of your kids when I log on to your computer. How fucking irresponsible! Also, if you're using a family computer that is going to be accessed by children, or sitting in your living room - say that! It's your responsibility to ensure that your children are not negatively affected by your sick fucking fetishes. Which, they will be if they go to log on to their home computer and see that the login account is titled, "retarded little fuck," or something like that.

There are many different levels of teamviewer domination. If it's your first time, you definitely want to tell the Domme that. Don't be afraid to ask questions. A good Domme will take the time to answer all of them. A good Domme will abide by limits that are set forth beforehand. It's not a bad thing if it's something you want to learn about, talk about and not rush into at first. 

Next, teamviewer lockdown/full control is something that does take time. I've had a lot of subs get angry when I say that I need to be paid beforehand to ensure that I will get paid. This isn't a big request. With any teamviewer session, it's something that I put My full focus into. I'm not sitting on messenger talking to five other people. I set Myself to away, and take the time to be on the computer as if that's the only computer I'm in front of. Going through files, locking down a computer, etc. can take upwards of two hours if done thoroughly and correctly. Be sure to compensate your Domme accordingly. Also, don't make Her ask you. Dommes should never be beggars, or made to haggle with you about payments. If you can't afford something, you can't have it. Point blank.

Do you want to know what can be done on teamviewer? Use your imagination and play out all the possible scenarios. There's quite a lot, aren't there? Think of all the things lurking on your computer that that Domme might find. Think of all the ways She could manipulate you using type, voice, and cam. The assignments She can leave for you, random things hidden around your computer. Files and contacts can be deleted. 

Dommes - respect your subs limits, and as tempting as it can be to go against them for your own benefit, don't. Be careful when teamviewing, because it can also be dangerous to the Domme. I'm talking, especially, about financial domination. Forcefully taking money/shopping against someones will is called illegal. You can get into some huge shit for doing it. If you're a good Domme, you don't need to put yourself through that. You could come out of it with a lawsuit and/or a vengeful sub who is looking to fuck you over however it can.

subs - know your limits before doing a teamviewer session. If you don't know them when you first contact your Domme, learn them through conversation with Her and make sure She is someone you can trust to respect your limits.

(teamviewer video: maybe can be put somewhere in the article)
"How much do you want to be controlled on teamviewer?"

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