Friday, October 12, 2012

money money for Princess!

Well tonight has been a very good night :)

I drained a loser of over $700 on Teamviewer, another loser of around $100 on Venmo and then Kinkbomb around $300. So that's like $1,100 in the past.. oh... 2 hours? Hahahaha. I love Me! Oh, and I got some stuff on Amazon.

Also, I set up a dutch auction on Ebanned. 10 pairs of socks at $100 each - you can just buy them instead of bidding for days, lmfao. However, you must contact Me immediately after purchase, and pay within 24 hours or I will cancel your sale. Basically, I want to see how fast I can make a grand off of My dirty old socks. Hahahahahahaha!!!!!


1 comment:

denied said...

Giving money to You, Goddess, doesn't make a loser not be a loser, but it does make the loser into a better kind of loser, one who understands their place in the world.

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